Our outsourced services typically consist of two components:
Maintenance - routine system administration activities and services including but not limited to:
Daily, monthly and annual system housekeeping and hardware utilisation checks
Plan version maintenance
User management and security
Software updates and patches
Interface management including routine checks and incident management with 3rd party vendors
Backups and disaster recovery tasks
Development and testing environment maintenance
- Support - specific system support, mainly around the different financial models and technical accounting functionality, fulfilled by chartered accountants and technical experts in our business. Support is provided around your planning timetable and may include 24/7 support over critical planning periods and to accommodate operations in different time zones.

Maintenance & Support Services
Training of internal resources
24/7 support over critical planning periods
Routine system administration tasks
Backup and disaster recovery tasks
Chartered Accountants for technical accounting support
Technical resources for hardware and operating system support
Stress free
Outsourcing your maintenance and support is stress free and allows your resources to focus on the planning process without worrying about technical issues
Bold Shore's track record of maintaining and supporting planning systems shows that we can be relied upon to deliver the highest quality service
Our range of skills allows us to offer a comprehensive service that covers technical aspects all the way to complex accounting functionality such as group consolidations and accounting for JV's and equity shareholdings